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Ryan Liberty Megan’s New Music Video for “Nevermind” Premieres on Ryan Liberty Megan’s New Music Video for “Nevermind” Premieres on Ryan Liberty Megan’s New Music Video for “Nevermind” Premieres on

Ryan Liberty Megan’s New Music Video for “Nevermind” Premieres on

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A Surreal Journey Using TV’s Bizarre Corners

[NEW YORK, August 29, 2023]Ryan Liberty Megan, the enigmatic art-country/alt-rock artist from New Paltz, New York, has just released a new music video for his single “Nevermind.” Having already gotten the ball rolling earlier this month with the release of  “Chorus” on Aug 1st (as featured on Canadian Beats), Ryan quickly followed that up with its accompanying music video, an Adult Swim-inspired visual feast featuring the likes of horror legends Tom Savini (Friday the 13th, Dawn of the Dead) and Tony Todd (Candyman series). Now he’s back with another mind-melting, liminal-tv-space-meets-dreamworld visual narrative, receiving an exclusive premiere on

Marrying the copacetic with the downright psychedelic, Ryan Liberty Megan’s new video for “Nevermind” unfurls like a lucid dream, catching you in its mesmerizing allure. Drawing stylistic parallels to his previous visual odyssey for “Chorus,” this latest creation is an exercise in absurdity and self-reflection. It’s a Lynchian fever dream where televisual worlds are eerily juxtaposed, crafting a mise-en-scène that oscillates between the disturbing and the surreal.

It’s about wanting people to love you and clumsily trying to advertise your flaws to the world as virtues, but then just giving up mid-effort. Like, ‘Oh, never mind, it’s not even worth it.’”

-Ryan Liberty Megan, Art-Country/Alt-Rock Artist

Still from the "Nevermind" music video
Still from the “Nevermind” music video

As with any experiential piece of art, the video offers a myriad of Ryans—a medley of doppelgängers—who navigate this chaotic media landscape with self-aware irony. Winking from behind the shoulder of one of his stock footage minions, one Ryan transitions into another in a disorienting whirl of self-confrontation. It’s a cornucopia of personalities, each contending with their own existential dilemma, as the viewer is left with an uncanny sense of déja vu—like we’ve been flipping through these channels before but can’t quite place why they seem so familiar yet so completely unsettling.

Entwined with an assemblage of stock footage, Ryan himself cuts in and out, weaving a transgressive narrative through these pre-existing simulacra. The effect is not just a comment on the media’s omnipresence in our lives, but also a meditation on identity in the Age of Information—where our ‘selves’ are as mutable and multifaceted as the channels we mindlessly flip through.

In “Nevermind,” Ryan Liberty Megan isn’t just switching channels; he’s engaging in channeling—a kind of spectral summoning of his various selves, and in the process, challenges us to face our own fractured identities in this endlessly scrolling, infinitely mirrored hall of televisual echoes.

So go ahead, tune in. But be prepared: “Nevermind” pulls you into a disorienting orbit around Ryan Liberty Megan’s multiverse, and once you’re in, the static is only the beginning.

Still from the "Nevermind" music video
Still from the “Nevermind” music video

Recent Press: (Video Premiere)

Premiering the music video for “Nevermind”, had this to say about the track: “There’s a stripped-down, raw feel to ‘Nevermind,’ a little bit lo-fi, a little bit grungy, almost boozy. Gliding on a mid-tempo rhythm, the quavering harmonics drift and float on dream-like textures as Ryan’s syrupy vocals imbue the lyrics with languid surfaces and droll, introspective observations.”

CelebMix (Single Premiere)

Ryan teamed up with CelebMix to premiere the single “Nevermind.” Reviewing the song, the Media & Music site said this about the track: “‘Nevermind’ opens on an alt-country-flavored guitar rolling into a deliciously swaying rhythm topped by visceral, almost shoegaze-like layers of harmonics. Ryan’s deep tenor imbues the lyrics with poignant textures, giving the tune an authentic, intimate vulnerability.”

Canadian Beats (News Article)

Ryan’s first single “Chorus” reached the ears of Canadian Beats, one of the nation’s largest independent music news sites, making a splash on their front page and announcing Ryan’s return to music after over a decade in the shadows.

If you want to see YOUR outlet added to this list, ask us for an interview or more details today!

Still from the "Nevermind" music video
Still from the “Nevermind” music video

About Ryan Liberty Megan

Ryan Liberty Megan is the kind of artist that makes you reach for your bifocals. At a glance, he’s a doting father hailing from sleepy New Paltz, New York, who gave up music to provide for his son. Look a little closer, and you’ll spot a noise rock artist known for playing chaotic, explosive live shows in rowdy bars. But then, managing his lifelong bipolar disorder and ADHD has made him a veteran at straddling diverging impulses. Returning to music after denying himself for over ten years meant a familiar relief – and output more unrecognizable than ever. Is it messy alternative soundscapes punctuated by irreverent lyrics? Or masterfully arranged and oddly sweet sonic waves breaking on molasses vocals? No matter which side of the coin you land, one thing is for sure: it is bereft of easy categorization, owing as much to Mr. Bungle, Melvins and Ween as it does Wilco, Beck and The Flaming Lips.

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For interviews, media inquiries, and more info, please contact:

Lance Marwood

Co-Founder & President, V13 Promotions

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